Monday, April 5, 2010

Nursery Pics

You can check either Bryan or my facebook to see all of them; but here are a few of the final product pictures.

We'll get the furniture up in 2 weeks - when my parents come visit for my baby shower.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

26 weeks

Ok - I'm seriously way behind - but I"m going to try to catch up on what's been going on the past month or so...

How far along? 26 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: I got about 8 pounds down from my pre-pregnancy weight; but I seem to have gained back about a pound or so in the past couple of weeks.

Maternity clothes? Everything is maternity - I'm really getting a belly now - even though I haven't gained weight.

Stretch marks? Yes - I have a few little ones on my belly - I know in time they'll just blend in with the ones that I already have

Sleep: I'm generally sleeping pretty good - I have a belly pillow that's really helping, I need to start using one between my legs, but I'm not really even waking up at night to pee.

Best moment this week: Earlier today Bryan felt the baby move again - it's been really fun for him.

Movement: Definitely - the baby is definitely moving a lot; and has really picked up on movement in the past couple of days. Initially I didn't understand what ladies said when the baby movements would cause me to feel sick to my stomach; but it definitely happened yesterday.

Food cravings/aversions: none

Belly Button in or out? In - but flattening out

What I miss: nothing

What I am looking forward to: I'm going to the Dr on Thursday - which will also include my glucose test.

Weekly Wisdom: get rest anytime you can - it is definitely needed

Milestones: almost made it to the 3rd trimester

Symptoms: I'm starting to get that linea negra (however that is spelled). I didn't notice it until last night.

We also started our registries at Target and Babies R Us this week - it was a lot of fun, but totally wore me out walking up and down all the aisles in the store.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

22 Weeks

Things are going well - busy at work; but no overtime anymore. I have an appointment on Monday; expecting everything to go well, no issues lately. I'll have Bryan take a belly pic tomorrow - I'll post my picture from 20 weeks; and 22 tomorrow or Monday.

We are considering using the crib I had as a baby for this baby - I need to do some research about drop sides; but I think everything will be fine with it.

We are going to be busy this next week with church, etc. Plus we are having a garage sale in a couple of weeks; so we need to price everything and get it all together.

The baby is definitely kicking a lot more; really enjoyable - can't wait until Bryan can feel it. I'm afraid it'll still be a few more weeks, but he's looking forward to it. Oh, and we'll need to register for baby gear soon - as my baby shower will be coming up.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Update - 20 weeks

Rather than going thru the survey I'll just do an update tonight; as I have gotten quite a bit behind as of late.

Two weeks ago I had my U/S - Bryan came with; and we really enjoyed it. We got to see the babe move around quite a bit; and baby is growing great - everything is fine. They did say that the placenta is laying low; so I will get to have another U/S around 32 weeks to make sure that it has moved up and is out of the way.

The week that followed was extremely crazy. I was able to stay home on Wednesday b/c I was not feeling good; then on Thursday I worked until nearly midnight - worked late on Friday, I also had to go up to the office on Saturday; and worked at home some on Sunday. I started spotting some at work on Saturday and it freaked me out; the Dr on call said not to worry too much, just keep my feet up and relax for the weekend. I decided to go to the Dr on Monday and see what she thought; I also wanted to talk about the stress that work has induced. She was able to reduce my work hours; but not put me on bedrest which actually works better; b/c if I was on bedrest for a week or so, and then had to return to work at the same schedule as before it would be a cycle that would continue to repeat itself. So, I am on 1/2 days for two weeks, and then I'll return to a more full schedule, but no overtime.

After working 1/2 days for a week I feel 10000% better!!!

As for the baby - I'm starting to feel the baby kick; and everytime it does I just smile, this is soo enjoyable knowing that a life is growing inside me.

I'm pretty much solely wearing maternity clothes, I can wear some clothes that are normal, but after sitting at a desk for awhile it puts too much pressure on my belly. My weight has basically stayed the same, I haven't gained any weight; am still down about 8 pounds from the start of my pregnancy.

I am thrilled that I've made it thru the first half of my pregnancy; I am excited to see what the next 20 weeks holds.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

17 Weeks

Getting out of the habit of blogging is too easy. We were out of town for the holidays and I missed a week. Anyway, are home now, and getting back to work, etc.

How far along? 17 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: Still down 6 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight,.

Maternity clothes? Some, I got some maternity clothes for Christmas; it was a great gift. I got some maternity jeans, and I wore them some over the trip. I haven't worn the pants to work yet; but I think it's coming. I can technically fit in my normal clothes; but it's just getting uncomfortable around my belly.

Stretch marks? No - not sure if I would notice if I got any new ones anyway - but I'll keep y'all updated :)

Sleep: Sleeping very well, get up about once at night to go to the bathroom, but no real change in my sleeping habits.

Best moment this week: I think I felt the baby move earlier today. I'm not sure yet - but I think maybe...

Movement: maybe but...not sure

Food cravings/aversions: not really - still loving that salsa

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing

What I am looking forward to: My appointment next Monday - which also includes my U/S. Plus, I'm going to meet a friend for lunch that I haven't seen in several years, I'm really excited about that as well.

Weekly Wisdom: just relax - enjoy the pregnancy

Milestones: made it 17 weeks - I'm doing wonderfully... it's great :)

Symptoms: None really, I'm doing well, feeling great - it's pretty amazing actually